How to Add Multi-Form to Your Webflow Projects

Pre-built Webflow components to speed up your workflow.
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Creating a user-friendly onboarding experience is crucial for engaging website visitors and guiding them through your content or services. In this tutorial, we'll show you how to integrate the Multi-Form component from Flowscriipt into your Webflow projects. With its user-friendly interface and customization options, you can enhance your website's onboarding process and keep your audience engaged. Let's dive in and make your onboarding process exciting and efficient!


Step 1: Sign Up for Flowscriipt 

Before you can get started, make sure you have a Flowscriipt account. If you don't have one, sign up at Flowscriipt to access the Multi-Form component.

Step 2: Download the Multi-Form Component 

Once you've logged into your Flowscriipt account, navigate to the Multi-Form component. Download the component files to your computer.

Step 3: Add Multi-Form to Your Webflow Project

  • In your Webflow project, go to the page where you want to add the Multi-Form.
  • Upload the Multi-Form component files to your project's assets by clicking on the "Assets" tab in Webflow.

Step 4: Create a Section for the Multi-Form

  • Add a new section to your page by clicking the "+" icon.
  • Drag and drop a "Div Block" element inside the section to serve as the container for the Multi-Form.

Step 5: Configure the Multi-Form

  • In the Webflow Designer, select the Div Block containing the Multi-Form.
  • Click the "Settings" gear icon, then choose "Custom Code."
  • In the "Before </body>" section, paste the provided Flowscriipt code snippet.

Step 6: Customize Your Multi-Form

  • Edit the code to configure the Multi-Form according to your needs. You can specify questions, responses, and the flow of the onboarding process.
  • Flowscriipt provides extensive documentation on customization options, so be sure to check it out for more details.

Step 7: Preview and Publish

  • Click "Preview" to test your Multi-Form within Webflow.
  • Once you're satisfied with the onboarding process, click "Publish" to make your changes live.

Step 8: Monitor and Optimize

  • After launching your onboarding Multi-Form, regularly monitor user interactions and gather feedback.
  • Use the insights to refine and optimize the onboarding process for a seamless user experience.


Integrating the Multi-Form component from Flowscriipt into your Webflow projects is a powerful way to create engaging and efficient onboarding experiences for your website visitors. With customization options and an easy-to-use interface, you can tailor multi-step forms to your specific needs. Enhance user engagement, guide your audience through your website, and make a lasting impression with a seamless onboarding experience. Start implementing the Multi-Form component today and watch your Webflow projects come to life!

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Frequently asked Questions

Hosting outside webflow, can I still use it?

Yes, as long as you add the attributes in the docs to your html attributes it will work just as webflow.

Can I get a refund?

Yes! You can request a refund within 7 days of your purchase. Reach out on Twitter or by email at

If I purchase just one Pro Library, do I have access to the rest?

If you purchase just one pro library eg, Flowscriipt Forms you'd only have access to the multiform library.

Do you provide support?

Absolutely, I'd love to hear any feedback or question you might have. Just reach out to me on my twitter or email — don't hesitate!

Do I get updates if I purchase lifetime?

Yeah sure, you have access to new updates and new library if you purchase the lifetime deal.

Is Flowscriipt Free?

Yeah there are free libraries to add functionalities to your Webflow site, and take it to the next level with the pro library.

Is any coding knowledge required?

Absolutely none! But two things are needed though COPY & PASTE :)